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Back in January I got a new phone. It`s one of those fancy ones that you can have a picture of the person show up when they call. So everyone got to be a guiena pig that night. We all laughed over some of the pic`s I got but Jason was the only one not to be shy about it.


Miss ya Jason


Hey babe,  I know I just wrote a memory about our wedding, but I was also thinking about our 10 year anniversary last year.  We got each other new wedding rings.  Mine came in early and you hid it from me.  You had gone back to wearing your original one because you were so afraid that you would mess yours up at work.  I wear the one you wore on your finger on a chain around my neck.  Close to my heart.  I never take it off.  Someday, when I move to Heaven with you, we will have a ring symbolizing our love to give to each of our children.

You surprised me and made all the plans last year.  It was really exciting to see what you had in store for me.  We stayed at the Cabin of Dreams,  (A bed & breakfast in Branson)  Remember the Ray Stevens show we saw.  You lauged so very hard.  We really wanted to take our Mama's to see him someday.  We went to that time share thing that you said was such a crock.  We went to Peace Frog, Bass Pro (we got the coolest stuff for the boat), and then your favorite place to eat.  Red Lobster.  After those places we spent the rest of our time at the cabin.  Remember the hammock & the hot tub.  It was so peaceful.  We stayed up for hours talking about our dreams for our future.  We promised each other not to ever lose sight of our goals.  We truly believe that together we can accomplish anything.  Jason, I have always had complete utter faith in you.  It was wonderful to be just the two of us.    On our way home we went to our spot on Current River and watched the river leaning against our special tree.  You said that you wanted the weekend to last forever.  It was the best anniversary ever.  I'll never forget it.  Thank you, Jason, for every second of the last 11 years.  I will forever be grateful to the Lord for bringing us together and giving us this time.


I Love You!!


Rose Murray

Happy Anniversary.  Although there is nothing happy about it this year.  My heart is just broken.  I can't wait till the Lord takes me Home.  I want to be with you so bad. 

I'll never forget the day we married.  Remember when we used to say that other than the days that our children were born, that March 13, 1996 was the happiest day of our lives.  I was so excited to marry you.  Just in December you were talking about how you wanted to renew our vows on our 20th anniversary at the river. Just 9 more years. That would have been so cool.

When I walked down the aisle of our church in Fisk, all I could see was you staring at me.  Your face filled with love.  The amount of love you have shown me is amazing.  The kids were so excited that day.  Except for when Kyle cried for Christie(lol).  Boy, he sure does love her.  They both ran down the aisle to meet you.  I wanted to run to you too.  I still do.  I am so thankful for the unconditional love that you have shown for Kyle.  I  will always show that same unconditional love for Marissa.  Remember when we said special vows in our own little ceremony at home with the kids.

You were so very handsome.  You are the most handsome man I have ever seen.  I am so proud that you chose me.  We played Endless Love and Heaven Sent Me You.  Oh, how many times we have said we are blessed because God led us to each other. It was so important that we signed the Family Bible in our ceremony.  There really are 3 in this marriage.  God, You, & I. Sweetie, I am totally devoted to 3 things in this life.  God, You, & Our Children.  Thank you for always including God in our marriage and our life.  

I really miss taking care of you.  Honey, you will find me camped out at the cemetary today.  I'm going to run by the river too.  Other than on my knees praying, or laying on your pillow on your side of the bed,  those are the places where I feel closest to you.  I will celebrate every anniversary there until God allows us to be together again.  Which needs to be soon, because the grief is unbearable. 


You are so precious in my heart,

With all my love forever,

Proud to be your wife,

Can't wait to be with you again,

You will always have my heart,

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Your Devoted Wife,



Rose Murray
Remember the time for John Brian's birthday that we went to the Bring-Your-Own-Beer-Bar.  It, was Jason, me, John Brian, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Vicky and someone else.  (I can't remember who)  The floors were gravel.  And they had port-a-potties.  I think everyone in the place took a swig of Kevin's drink.  Right out of his bottle.  I don't think Kevin took another drink and I know Jason was totally grossed out.  He didn't offer to share his.  Some of those people were scary looking.  It took us forever to get out of the parking lot and most of us were rollin on the ground laughing the rest of the night.  Jason sure hee-hawed all night.  A lot of other stuff happened that night too.  It was sooo funny.  We sure have shared some of the funniest things in life.  Honey, I love and miss you so very much. 

Hey sweetie, I hate making memories without you here to make them with me.

I went to the cemetery the other day.  Ty & Nathan went with me.  We cleaned all the flowers off.  Nate helped me rake it and make it all pretty.  It had been raining.  (I know how you feel about the rain.) Tyler looked for all the Murray's there.  He really likes looking at the stones.  Honey, I go all the time but man this just sucks.  I want you to come home so bad, I can't hardly stand it.  Miranda & Ty take balloons all the time just to give to you.  They are always asking if we can go.  I tell them yes.  I hope it's the right decision.  Man, I wish you were here.


I love you!!!!!




I got my report card and I made the honor roll.  Mommy & Mrs. Ritter said they are proud of me.  I know you are too.  I miss you a lot.


I love you,




Tyler (by Mommy)

This memory is for baby Ty.  Since he's too little I'm gonna remember for him.


Jason, Tyler, Gramma Ida and I went to Fort Leonard Wood to get Gramma's ID card renewed.  Up around Houston there had been an ice storm.  Tyler is a firm believer in Super Heros.  He decided that we were actually in ICELAND.  He was totally fascinated by the ice.  Jason pulled over on the side of the road and we all took pictures with our cell phones.  When we got to the base, Gramma and I went inside to get her ID, but Jason and Tyler played outside forever.  When they finally came in, they told us that it truely was ICELAND and Daddy was ICEMAN and Tyler was ICEBOY.  We had to call them that the whole way home. 


When Jason moved to Heaven, Tyler told me that his Daddy is a Super Hero flying in Heaven watching over everything.  Out of the mouths of babes.  Tyler is the spittin image of his Daddy and acts just like him.  I'm so very glad.

John Brian

Ok here we go. Here is a memory that will always stay in my head. Me and my brother Jason used to everytiime we went anywhere together we would sometime in the trip start singing a song called wondering eyes by ronnie Mcdowell. Rose used to get so mad at us and we would just eat it up. Later when i got with my wife, and she would go with us on our little trips, you guessed it we would still  sing the song and she would join Rose in getting mad at us. But in all reality I dont think they were really to mad about it, it was just kind of a running joke because we all know that all of our hearts really did stay at home

Man I don't even know where to start.  I have so many wonderful memories of Jace and they are all good and most funny.  Jason had the most awesome personality and sense of humor.  Jason and I worked together in the ER at Poplar Bluff but we were friends too.  Not just co-workers.  Summer before last Jace came to work and we were working in the same pod and we got to talking about losing weight and he said he knew he needed too and then he told me this story.  He loved his boat and he told me that the weekend before he had taken his boat to the river by himself.  He said he started to go upriver and couldn't get his boat to plane out so he stopped and worked on the motor and couldn't find anything wrong so he started motoring again and he said it took him like three minutes to get the boat to plane out because of him being the only one in it.  Man did we have a good laugh about that.  It may not seem funny to those of you reading it but if you knew Jace and how he told a story you will laugh!  Then him, Brad, and Harwood started this diet competition and I told Jace how to beat them.  He was like a brother to me.  One night I asked him how school was going and I told him how to study by himself.  I said, "Jace you got to make yourself flash cards cause then you can't read down and cheat yourself."  A couple weeks later I asked him again how school was doing and he said he had aced his last test after trying the flash card trick.  He was so proud.  The night Harwood asked me if I could come help Jace suction a patient and wound up deserting my pod and working with Jace for two and half hours suctioning this man.  There are not words enough in the English language or any other to say what a wonderful person he was.  He was so proud of his family and to be in the profession that he was in.  He loved Rose and his children so much.  We spent hours talking about our spouses and children and Jace listened with his whole heart and cared about people.  Rose, I cannot even imagine the pain you are in.  I want you to know that you and your children are so special in my life and heart and please never forget that I am ALWAYS only a phone call away.  You letting Kyle call me Mom #2 and letting him spend time with Taylor-Pearl and me means so much to me.  I love all of you with all my heart and soul.  Tell Tyler I love him to the top of God's chimney and back too!!!  Rose, you will always have a little Jace running around cause that boy sure looks like his daddy.  I love you all and I will NEVER forget Jason.

Well, honey, I missed Marissa's band concert tonight.  I'm sorry, I wanted to go so bad.  I talked to her though.  Her Mom taped it for me.  She said all went well.  She said that your Mom & Dad, & JB & his family went.  I'm really glad that they got to go.  Christie is so good to share her with all of us.  The little kids are still really sick or I would have been there too. 


Rissa gets to go with us to Mom's for dinner on Sunday, and then we are having a girls night after Michael & Amanda's wedding next Saturday.  Mom is spending the night too.  I'm really looking forward to it.


I love you!!




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